It's Time To Rebuild

It's time to rebuild is the theme from a Women's Ministries Convention held on October, 2022. 

Below is an exhortation / encouragement to all women and any individual who come across this post. I pray that the eyes of your heart will be opened to understand these words and follow through with whatever the Spirit of the LORD will say unto you. 

Nehemiah 2:17

This theme is extraordinary in that it is given at such a time as this when our lives, family, nation and communities are at crossroads while some are either at a standstill or going on a steady decline. In order for a rebuilding to take place there must have been a destruction, a disaster, catastrophe or any other peril so grave that removed or overturned the good and proper systems of existence. Not much is being said about the roles that we need to play or the responsibilities that we need to take in order to save our world. Some persons have already concluded that our world does not need saving, their solution instead is to create a new world with their own philosophies, ideologies and a way of life that is exclusive only to themselves and those who are of their standard in either wealth, power, fame or fortune. What then should we do when mankind has already decided their fate and the fate of others? Should we sit back and watch the chaos unfold around us? Should we do nothing? Should we avoid getting involved and say to ourselves, that we should leave the mess for someone else to clean? Some of us might be asking, where are the ones with the skills, resources, talents and many other attributes who are also well endowed with giftings and capacities to bring about the deliverance that we need? All or some of these questions lay in us but we also need to see that the answer is us. We are the ones who are being challenged today to rebuild that which is broken, torn, smashed, crumbled, demolished and crushed to its original state or even better. 

Nehemiah 2:17 – Then I said to them, “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem that we may no longer be a reproach.”  You see the distress we are in – Do we as women see the distress of our society, our nation and our families? Do we see the situations that we are faced with; financial lack, emotional torture, an ailing society and an economically unstable country? Our present condition is basically similar to what Nehemiah was experiencing in his day. I’m urging you to look around you women, see what times we live in. Now is not the time to cast a blind eye and say to yourself that my house is in order so good for others, let them fix their mess. If we think like this are we really following the footsteps of Jesus? In the book of Luke chapter 15:1-7, the scribes and the Pharisees were critic's of Jesus for being around those they scorned and looked down upon. According to their status and standard of living anyone who was not part of the Sanhedrin, their crew, associates, business partners, work buddies, family dynasty, schoolmates, or gossip gang was frowned upon and seen as beneath them, in order words sinners or people who didn’t make the cut, unworthy. He spoke a parable announcing to them His heart which is to recover the lost. If the lost is at Jesus’ top priority then it should be our top priority too rather than enjoying the comforts of life that we already have. 

Nehemiah 2:17

It's time to rebuild! Nehemiah upon recognizing the condition of his surroundings cried out “come and let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem that we may no longer be a reproach.”  The word “come” suggests that there was a level of urgency to the situation. “Let us” suggest that it was not supposed to be a one-man show, Nehemiah did not want it to be something for one person (himself) to do alone. Rebuilding takes much effort and requires more hands on deck, it needs everyone involved in order to carry out such a task. This is a reminder that all of us are needed to rebuild the walls of our communities, families and nation. Jerusalem was the hometown or city of Nehemiah and even though he spent many years in another city/country he did not forget his land or his people. Nehemiah had a purpose or reason why there was an urgency to rebuild those walls. The broken walls had left Jerusalem (which was once a glorious city) exposed to its enemies as well as others who had grudges, jealousies and all manner of ill will against that city. It’s walls were its protection and covering from the prying eyes of darkness from the outside. Its walls were a comfort to those who walked alone either day or night, people found safety and refuge in the city with walls to shelter them from attacks and any other manner of evil that comes from outside the city walls. Those were physical walls but Jesus is offering us greater and stronger protection than the walls and barriers that we put up to shield ourselves from things and people we consider as outsiders and enemies. Psalm 91:1  

It is important to get rid of the reproach, the slandering’s, the scorn and the blame that they speak against the church, against women in the church, and against the body of Christ. The word of God declares: “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” ~ Isaiah 54:17 

It is time for us to rebuild, we can’t afford to waste time any longer, for we have seen the prowling of the adversary and all that he is attempting to do against the people. We need to gird up our loins and adhere to Romans 13:11 – “And that knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.”

In closing, “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14
