Happy Independence Day - SVG 🇻🇨

Salute to the nation of St. Vincent & the Grenadines HAPPY 44th INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY to St. Vincent & the Grenadines, which celebrates today the 27th day of October, 2023.  The word independence means - the fact and state of being independent or self governed. St. Vincentians have come a long way since their fight for independence. It is a happy time for the government and the people and we pray that they will celebrate well.  Prayer for the nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines : Dear Heavenly Father,  We thank You for the beautiful Caribbean isle of St. Vincent & the Grenadines. We thank You for creating our island and for giving us the chance to live on it. We thank You for Your protection from day one, up to our present day and for the protection that You will continue to give to all who live and dwell on this beautiful archipelago. We are conscious of the care and love that You have poured upon us LORD, in the way that You have not allowed our nation to fall ap

The Reasoning of a Stray Mind

 "Come therefore and let us enjoy the good things that are now; And let us use the creation with all our soul as youth's possession. 

Let us fill ourselves with costly wine and perfumes: And let no flower of spring pass us by: 

Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds, before they be withered: 

Let none of us go without his share in our proud revelry: Everywhere let us leave tokens of our mirth: Because this is our portion and our lot is this.

Let us oppress the righteous poor; Let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the hairs of the old man gray for length of years. 

But let our strength be to us as a law of righteousness; For that which is weak is found to be of no service.

But let us lie in wait for the righteous man, Because he is of disservice to us. And is contrary to our works. And upbraids us with sins against the law, And lays to our charge sins against our discipline. 

He professes to have knowledge of God. And names himself servant of the Lord. 

And names himself servant of the Lord. He became to us a reproof of our thoughts. 

He is grievous to us even to behold. Because his life is unlike other men's. And his paths are of strange fashion. 

We were accounted of him as base metal. And he abstains from our ways as from uncleanesses.

The latter end of the righteous he calls happy; And he vaunts that God is his father. 

Let us see if his words be true. And let us try what shall befall in the ending of his life. 

For if the rightous man is God's son, he will uphold him. And he will deliver him our of the hand of his adversaries. 

With outrage and torture let us put him to the test. That we may learn his gentleness. And prove his patience under wrong. 

Let us condemn him to a shameful death; For he shall be visited according to his words."

Thus reasoned they and they were led astray; For their wickedness blinded them. And they knew not the mysteries of God. Neither hoped they for wages of holiness. Nor did they judge that there is a prize for blameless souls. Because God created man for incorruption. And made him an image of his own proper being; 

But by the envy of the devil death entered into the world. And they that are of his portion make trial therof. 


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