Saving Grace!

I will keep you in my heart oh God,
For all the love you have given to me,
For your gentle ways and your kindness is greater than I ever dreamed
You never failed on your promises; all your words you fulfill in time,
The seasons know when they shall be
So keep me in your perfect peace and cause my thoughts to shine,
In the knowledge of your wondrous works; while my soul sings that you are mine 
My everything will reflect on your beauty, Oh Lord you are my saving Grace!

Can't keep my eyes off you, oh Father
You know I need you to tell me what to do 
The times we're living in foster the fondest memories of what we've shared thus far
All I need is to know that you'll forever lead me in the paths of your righteous way, 
My thirst longs for your still waters; please Abba quench this lack prolonged from days past in the hour of severity today.

Your lamp will guide me daily, oh King
Your light it shines continously on the path before me
I think I've found myself a keeper, a God I cannot live without;
Merciful Conqueror when you ride out into battle, our fight you always win
You are my strongest guide, Oh Lord you are THE GREATEST  KING!
