Peace or Addiction

When some of us get hungry, we get nervous and anxious. We find that we snap at people and have a very short temper. This is an indication that food is more than just a pleasure; it is an addiction. To kick an addiction requires restraint and peace. Jesus Christ promises blessed peace and rest to all who come to Him. It is important for us to rely on the gentle comfort of God when we face the trials of dieting. God knows what we are going through and He rejoices when we turn to Him for peace of mind and heart. It is not vital that we understand how this peace can come to us. What is important is that we truly believe God will grant it.

Philippians 4:7 - And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

In God, there is peace that is greater than the turmoil caused by dieting. This peace is also greater than any addiction and He has the power to break and dispel the bondages of our soul. Emotional turmoil is the biggest link to developing an addiction even for food. So make the choice today to dwell in His peace by first committing your ways to Him, your mind and heart (soul). And allow Him to administer His peace right where you hurt, deep into the crevices of your soul.

May God help us as we release ourselves into His care, and may His peace envelope our entire beings, now and forevermore.


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