My Sister, My Friend

Whose to blame when things go wrong between us
When you no longer think of me with beautiful thoughts of love
And your heart seems puffed up with resentment and anger... a river waiting to explode

You were a sweet and gentle girl with the eyes of a student
And suddenly the days changed you into arrogance and steel
Who can mend the nets of adversity that lay against us
Who can stop the feud that brews across our shores
Only the Healer, the Redeemer of mens souls
He can take what is and make it not

Fires started may want to spread their fury upon our world but
Only the Keeper of the flame can put them out or stand within,
To keep us from the experience of the burn

One thing is certain and that I'm confident of -
My God Elohim will never leave us comfortless, nor will he forsake His own
His words are true to the very end so my trust remains in His love
And the power of His grace

Love and peace to all sisters and friends who share the bond of sisterhood. Faith, Hope, Love these three remains and will never keep us apart!
