April Greetings!

Happy April greetings to everyone. Sorry for being so late, the month started out quite hectic but God has been awesome. He brought me thus far with his power, for this I am grateful.

There is truly no one like the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He sees our awkward moments and makes them special with His love. Through every test and every trial, He promises to be with us if our trust is in Him. Many put their trust in things that cannot move, hear, speak or even understand what they are going through. Some even put their trust in entities that are rebellious against the nature of the true and living God. But in all of these things He is still merciful and He is still kind towards us, He is long-suffering towards His people. But He will not always chide, for man's ways are evil before Him, many do not believe His ways, they walk according to their own thoughts. Yet He will pardon, He will forgive and He will set you free from every chain that binds you, if you only surrender your heart to the one who loves you the most, the one who bled and died for you.

Allow Jesus to take center focus in your life and you will have no regrets, no need of want, no unnecessary weight or burden to carry around on your shoulders. Jesus is our all in all and He will never let you down. Friends may have failed you in times past but Jesus will never fail!

Have a wonderful day and be blessed throughout the rest of April! ♥
