
Today I sit here pondering about what I should do and what I should say. Many things come to mind, each thought sounds inspiring. But then, as I started to write, I become utterly consumed with a deep longing to give God praise and thanks for giving me this opportunity to manage this blog and all the many wonderful things that he has given me, is giving me and will continue to give me to share with you.

I feel truly blessed and excited to share with all of you the insights, testimonies and all other wonderful stories that you will come to know and understand when you visit this site. My prayer is that you be inspired daily to progress and move forward in life fulfilling the destiny that you were appointed to have. Stand tall today, lift your head up and know that there is someone greater than all the greats out there who is looking after you each and everyday. And in spite of all that you are seeing and hearing, negativity, lawlessness and all manner of ill-will taking place in society. Have no fear of these things but take a moment today, in fact I urge you all to take a moment right now to consider and appreciate the greatness of the one who has been keeping you and is still keeping you safe even though you have no idea how you are able to make it this far. So don't think twice about it, this is your moment to be thankful.

I end now with thankfulness and praise for the ability to share this moment with you all. Smile and enjoy the rest of your day! ♥


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