Beautiful Flowers
We are like beautiful flowers of God's garden
Our colours, our lifestyles and our natural experiences in life are all different from each other....
But one thing is sure and that is our strength,
We can move mountains when we put our minds to it,No matter what pressure we are faced with and our backs maybe against the wall, there is always an extra strength that rises up within us to get things done
Day by day we focus our attention on meeting the needs of our friends and loved ones
We do our best to make them happy; sometimes even at the sacrifice of our own needsBut God is good and merciful, his love towards us is great, his arms are always ready to receive us when we call
So now I call you mighty woman of God, it doesn't matter where you have have been or what you have done; it doesn't matter to him at all. His love for you is endless and his grace is sufficient enough for you, despite the many times you've fallen and felt like giving up. He will never leave you nor forsake you for he says in his words that his eye is upon the righteous and his ears are open to their cry.
So stand tall today, Oh daughter of Zion and be exceedingly glad because the Lord has remembered you in the midst of your situation. You are not alone this day. As he has seen Hagar at the time of her weakness and helped her, he provided water for them in the desert place and today that word is still in effect as her son has become a great nation as was promised.
Therefore, the Lord God of Abraham shall provide for you and he shall take care of you. He will wipe every tear from your eye and he will comfort you today if you allow him to do so.
May you be strengthened in your moment of weakness so that you can stand again in confidence as the woman whom God has called you to be. !!♡!!
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